Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Deep Sleep: The awareness of absence’

Usually, we think that deep sleep is the absence of awareness, which means we assume that awareness disappears in deep sleep. However, this is absolutely incorrect. The truth of the matter is that ‘The experience of deep sleep is the awareness of absence’. I am sure for many of you this statement makes no sense. But… Continue reading ‘Deep Sleep: The awareness of absence’

Happiness · Life · meditation · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Sound is of the Periphery & Silence is of the Core’

If you have ever paid attention to the existential life, you will know that life happens in absolute silence. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that ‘Silence’ is the incubation center for the life to happen and I did not mean it metaphorically, I mean it literally. Let’s understand it like this. An… Continue reading ‘Sound is of the Periphery & Silence is of the Core’

Yoga & Spirituality

‘Silence rules the Cosmos’

Have you ever looked up into the sky and gazed at the stars? Did you ever sit on a seashore and experienced an ocean? Did you ever go into the jungle and sit in the wilderness? If you haven’t done any of these; I would recommend you should because that is what will take you… Continue reading ‘Silence rules the Cosmos’

Happiness · Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Being Vs. Convenience’

If you don’t need someone for any particular reason, but still you choose to be with that person totally; that is of a significant value. If you choose to be with someone just because you have silly little expectations from that person, that’s called as the convenience. Taking this as a parameter we can evaluate… Continue reading ‘Being Vs. Convenience’

Life · meditation · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Meditation lies in the absolute stillness of Body & Mind’

I am sure you have noticed this in your day to day life situations. When your body is working perfectly well and doing what you want, you don’t really pay attention to it. Which means, you don’t think of the body as a body on a regular basis. It is just taken for granted and… Continue reading ‘Meditation lies in the absolute stillness of Body & Mind’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Understanding Consciousness’

The following analogy will help you understand consciousness in the simplest way: Space within a room is contained inside four walls, However, space doesn’t belong to the four walls. Space is very much a part of the larger space out there. Space was not generated by the walls, rather space is pre-existent and we built… Continue reading ‘Understanding Consciousness’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

Space & Time: A Myth or Reality?

Although in our day to day life situations, we use the Space & Time just like any other words; these two are not as simple as they seem. Almost for every human being the meaning of space & time is different depending on how they perceive these two experientially. I would say the experience of… Continue reading Space & Time: A Myth or Reality?