Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Act & The Actor’

I am sure each one of you must have had an opportunity to go to a cinema hall and watch a movie or If not a cinema hall, you must have definitely watched it on a television prime time or matinee show. In a typical cinema story, you will find the lead actor, a lead… Continue reading ‘Act & The Actor’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Drop temporary identities to experience Life’

When you were born, you came as an open limitless possibility in this cosmos. A child doesn’t have any conditioning of its own, but slowly over a period of time as the child grows up, he starts imbibing the qualities which surround him. Or in other words, a child starts to get identified with almost… Continue reading ‘Drop temporary identities to experience Life’

Life · Spirituality · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Consciousness is absolute & can’t be Objectified’

Usually, when people talk about consciousness, they refer to the state of wakefulness which is not the truth. This is because people’s idea of consciousness is limited to the waking state of who they are. This is also because people never really questioned what consciousness is. They are too involved with their worldly drama that… Continue reading ‘Consciousness is absolute & can’t be Objectified’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Death is nature’s compassion’

Death is in a way nature’s biggest gift to any form of life in this universe. It is only because there is death, there is a value of what we are calling as Life. Anything which is physical in the universe is bound to die one day starting from a little pebble to the Mount… Continue reading ‘Death is nature’s compassion’

Happiness · Life

‘You don’t have enemies in life’

Your enemy is yourself in a different uniform. If you see the reality of life, you will experience everything as a part of yourself. If you have that experience, then there is no question of having an enemy because you experientially realize that the life which is throbbing within you is the same life which… Continue reading ‘You don’t have enemies in life’


‘Life within is waiting to get recognized’

When I say life process, for most of the people they think I am talking about family, friends, cars, big house, money etc. But that’s not true. What we are referring to as life is that creative source which is throbbing in every atom of this existence. When we say life, in a way we… Continue reading ‘Life within is waiting to get recognized’

Happiness · Life

‘Look through the eyes of your Being’

If you want to know the joy of living, then you have to look through the eyes of your being. When I say eyes of the being, I am talking about your central frame of reference which works as a compass to guide you in every step you take. I am referring to the original… Continue reading ‘Look through the eyes of your Being’

Happiness · Life

‘How to live a joyful life’

All through our life, we keep waiting for those moments where our life could be naturally blissful. But we just keep expecting without really paying attention to the mechanics of life. This is to a larger extent because of the social conditioning which veils the most obvious experience of happiness to us. Something for which… Continue reading ‘How to live a joyful life’