Life · Musing · Poetry

The Burning Ocean

Those moments were really Strange……..The Ocean of thoughts was burning inside…….The impulse within was surfing the waves of dilemma……………I was wondering what this life is about……..I tried hard to crack the Riddle…….But failed………Then suddenly, when I almost gave up……..A revelation emerged from within………..I just sat silent and experienced the subtlety of what was happening……..It seemed… Continue reading The Burning Ocean

Life · Spirituality · yoga · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Peaceful Mind’: Panacea to all Problems

Have you ever noticed, when you are peaceful and equanimous within yourself, Just about every simple act in your life turns beautiful and When you are angry or stressful, Most wonderful things mean nothing to you? I believe every one of you at some point in time in your life must have experienced it. The… Continue reading ‘Peaceful Mind’: Panacea to all Problems


The Idea of ‘Good & Bad’

One of the biggest dilemmas in my life has been this idea of ‘What is Good’ & ‘What is Bad’. I remember right from my childhood just about every elder in the family will start giving a lecture on good and bad. Depending on their own experiences, they used to give speeches on this subject.… Continue reading The Idea of ‘Good & Bad’

Life · Poetry

‘One day the life within will leave…….’

One day the life within, will leave this mortal coil (The Body)……….And will merge once again into its original source (The Universe)……………I wonder how precious this life force is…….Coz this makes us experience all the possibilities of life…………..We are not even a tiny spec compared to the cosmos…………..However, the life within, makes us feel our… Continue reading ‘One day the life within will leave…….’

Happiness · Life

‘The Happiness Formula’

It looks like everyone is running after happiness but no one seems to really find it. Let’s explore this dimension of our life scientifically. In one of the conferences in the past His Holiness ‘Tenzin Gyatso’, the 14th Dalai Lama asked the social scientists to do a research on Happiness & Happy Emotions. He mentioned… Continue reading ‘The Happiness Formula’


‘Respond, Do not React’

Once upon a time, there was an Old man having a pair of donkeys, One of them was quite old and the other one was just growing up. Those two donkeys were the source of his living. He used to load them with vegetable jute bags and then used to transport those vegetables to the… Continue reading ‘Respond, Do not React’


‘Destroy me the way I Am’

Oh, Life! Look at the world……In the name of caste, creed, religion, beliefs & ideologies, how many different identities we human beings have taken……..These identities are ripping apart the very culture & ethos of the world………Life oriented qualities like epistemological humility, gratitude, compassion, love & empathy are slowly being wiped out……….There is too much intellectual… Continue reading ‘Destroy me the way I Am’

Life · Musing · Poetry

Musings Part II : Bloom | The Generous Tree

Bloom: It seemed there was no hope…….the seed within was going to stagnate…….And never sprout to see the light……..Suddenly a voice echoed from the heart…….Do not let the seed to die…….For this seed contains a great possibility……….Mind lost the battle & Heart reclaimed its throne…..and it was like the seed reborn…….leading to a full-blown life…….One… Continue reading Musings Part II : Bloom | The Generous Tree