Life · Musing

‘Cycles of Time’

The nature of the physical universe is cyclical, including your own body. The word ‘Cyclical’ means something which repeats itself over a period of time. For e.g The rotation of Earth around the Sun is cyclical. The rotation of our entire Solar system around the Milky way galaxy is cyclical in nature. If you don’t learn… Continue reading ‘Cycles of Time’

Life · Musing · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Earth: The Grand Design’

What a Grand design the creator has made for our Mother Earth………….It’s too fantastic, Isn’t it?……………………Just take a walk into the jungle and look at everything with a sense of wonder……………..Then you will realize the immensity of what I am talking about……..Just go to a river bank and observe the gamut of activity which is happening… Continue reading ‘Earth: The Grand Design’

Life · Musing · Yoga & Spirituality

Classical Music & Life : An Experiential Perspective

Until recent just a few years ago before I started meditating, my connection with music was not very deep. Once in a while, I used to tune in to Radio FM or Television to listen to the music. And that too used to be mostly the Indian Bollywood Songs or sometimes the English songs. But… Continue reading Classical Music & Life : An Experiential Perspective

Life · Musing

‘Mind is the slave, Heart is the master’

In today’s world it’s very unfortunate that for most of the people, It is their mind who rules them from within…………There are very few moments where people make decisions from their heart, taking into consideration the overall aesthetics of life………….Many people go just by the tendencies of their mind and the old conditioning which they… Continue reading ‘Mind is the slave, Heart is the master’

Life · Musing

Who Am I ?

Once it happened, Gautama, The Buddha was going to take Maha Samadhi and leave his body consciously. Ananda who was Buddha’s favorite disciple wanted to ask him one last question which had been there in his mind all the time and now he wanted to ask it before Buddha leaves his body. Without any further… Continue reading Who Am I ?

Life · Musing · Poetry

The Burning Ocean

Those moments were really Strange……..The Ocean of thoughts was burning inside…….The impulse within was surfing the waves of dilemma……………I was wondering what this life is about……..I tried hard to crack the Riddle…….But failed………Then suddenly, when I almost gave up……..A revelation emerged from within………..I just sat silent and experienced the subtlety of what was happening……..It seemed… Continue reading The Burning Ocean

Life · Musing · Poetry

Musings Part II : Bloom | The Generous Tree

Bloom: It seemed there was no hope…….the seed within was going to stagnate…….And never sprout to see the light……..Suddenly a voice echoed from the heart…….Do not let the seed to die…….For this seed contains a great possibility……….Mind lost the battle & Heart reclaimed its throne…..and it was like the seed reborn…….leading to a full-blown life…….One… Continue reading Musings Part II : Bloom | The Generous Tree

Life · Musing · Poetry

Musings Part I: Symphony | Vulnerability | Unlearning

Symphony: It was just like any other evening……The Sun was going down the horizon……I was listening to that Symphony…………An arrangement of complex yet perfectly harmonized sounds………I kept paying more & more attention to each note………..It was getting difficult to get hold of it………….This kind of captivated my whole being……And suddenly in the midst of the… Continue reading Musings Part I: Symphony | Vulnerability | Unlearning