Life · Musing

‘Mind is the slave, Heart is the master’

In today’s world it’s very unfortunate that for most of the people, It is their mind who rules them from within…………There are very few moments where people make decisions from their heart, taking into consideration the overall aesthetics of life………….Many people go just by the tendencies of their mind and the old conditioning which they have received from the society as a whole………..If you just stop yourself for a moment and pay attention, you will realize the importance of womb heartedness in your life…….Just look back and see, all the beautiful moments of your life were those moments where the mind had a very little role to play………..In fact, only when you go beyond the mind; there is a possibility of union……….This union can be in the form of embracing somebody’s ideas or falling in love with someone or simply accepting the situations in which you exist………………..Having said that I am not implying that the mind has no importance……..Definitely, it is important because to what extent we can handle our survival is all dependent upon how effectively we are able to harness the capability of our mind………But at the same time, if we try to use the mind to handle subtle aspects of life, then the mind is no good……….Filtering everything logically through the firmament of mind will lead to a very gross way of looking at things………..I want you to give a thought and recall the time when you fell in love with somebody……………..or you saw a beautiful valley full of flowers and butterflies and the time stood still………………..or you were standing by a waterfall, completely filled with wonder by the sheer beauty of it……….or you were sitting on the shore of an Ocean observing the beautiful sunset……….These were all those moments where you lost the very sense of who you were and you became one with nature and everything else…………..The beauty starts to play in your life when you totally get absorbed in the process of the activity itself……………Which means only when you allow your heart to be the master and the mind to be your slave, will you know the magic of life…………….If you don’t dethrone the mind, you will have everything but still, you will have nothing…………A mind is a wonderful tool for the survival in the physical world, but this is not good enough tool to handle the subtle aspects & bring your life to a stage of complete fulfillment & ease………..!


Peace & Love!


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