Life · Musing · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Earth: The Grand Design’

What a Grand design the creator has made for our Mother Earth………….It’s too fantastic, Isn’t it?……………………Just take a walk into the jungle and look at everything with a sense of wonder……………..Then you will realize the immensity of what I am talking about……..Just go to a river bank and observe the gamut of activity which is happening around that water body……………..You will see that it is just amazing……………Just look at the sophisticated design of a flower………………If you look at it lovingly with a sense of inclusion, You will see it will change something within you which is difficult to articulate……………While sitting on the ground in a park, Have you ever paid attention to the blades of grass?………..Have you paid attention to the kind of activity which is going on beneath those tiny little blades?……..You will be amazed to see that there is a whole new world and a different level of activity going on inside…………………You must see a dog who has just eaten well and is now relaxing on one side of the road……………..If you do that you will observe, for him the world has just vanished and he is lying in utter peace………………..We don’t have to necessarily do great things to be happy & peaceful in life…………If you as much as pay attention to the life around………….You will have no other choice but to be happy & joyful…………….You will have no other choice but to have a sense of wonder because this creation is too phenomenal for our puny little minds to grasp all of it………………If you have an active exploratory mind……………You will see slowly the Mother nature will hold you in her lap and will lift you to a different level of perception & experience where everything becomes effortless………….And the only thing you will have to do is to enjoy the bounty of life!


Peace and Love!


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