Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Understanding Consciousness’

The following analogy will help you understand consciousness in the simplest way:

Space within a room is contained inside four walls, However, space doesn’t belong to the four walls. Space is very much a part of the larger space out there. Space was not generated by the walls, rather space is pre-existent and we built four walls around it. Now if all the walls collapse, what will happen to space? The answer is nothing i.e space will still be there where it was earlier. It is just that space is no longer trapped inside a physical boundary. Though space is completely vulnerable inside a room; at the same time, it remains absolutely unperturbed. 

Similarly, the consciousness is already there & we built walls around it, called the Physical Body. Although the consciousness is contained inside the body, it doesn’t mean that consciousness belongs to the body (including your mind). Now if the body & mind collapse, what will happen to consciousness? The answer is Nothing i.e consciousness will still be there where it was earlier. It is just that it is no longer trapped inside the mortal coil of the body. Though consciousness is completely vulnerable inside the body, at the same time it remains absolutely unperturbed.

Peace & Love!



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