
‘Meditation is a living death’

When you live and die at the same time and become conscious of it, That’s meditation.   Right this moment a few thousand cells are getting degenerated and a few thousand new cells are getting regenerated. This process is eternally on in every creature on this planet. At the quantum level, there is no such… Continue reading ‘Meditation is a living death’

Life · meditation

‘Meditation is like a good actor in a play’

A good actor never forgets that he is not the characters he is playing. If an actor identifies himself as the character then the chances of him playing another role effectively are very remote. Only when he keeps a separation between himself and the roles, he gets empowered to play any role to the best… Continue reading ‘Meditation is like a good actor in a play’

Life · meditation · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Meditation lies in the absolute stillness of Body & Mind’

I am sure you have noticed this in your day to day life situations. When your body is working perfectly well and doing what you want, you don’t really pay attention to it. Which means, you don’t think of the body as a body on a regular basis. It is just taken for granted and… Continue reading ‘Meditation lies in the absolute stillness of Body & Mind’

Life · meditation · Yoga & Spirituality

‘The Scientific Principle of Meditation’

Meditation is a highly systematic process which doesn’t need prior knowledge of any kind. This is a subjective technology which we just need to learn as to how it can be used and it will start working for us. For e.g If we take a cell phone, we really don’t know how the electrons are… Continue reading ‘The Scientific Principle of Meditation’


‘The Fundamental You’

In the previous article, we have clearly seen and understood that ‘We are not the roles we play’ (To explore more you may Click Here). Then the next obvious question comes, Who am I?. As I suggested earlier that if we really analyze this question, eventually we will find the answer. Using meditation as a… Continue reading ‘The Fundamental You’

health · Life · Spirituality · yoga · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Yoga and Exercise: Balancing your life at different levels’

As we all know that ‘In a healthy body lives a healthy mind, emotions & energy’. And to keep yourself healthy & pleasant, yoga & exercise plays a vital role. These two are closely interrelated to each other. Till now we have looked at the various aspects of Yoga and Its impact on our lives.… Continue reading ‘Yoga and Exercise: Balancing your life at different levels’

meditation · Spirituality · Yoga & Spirituality

Dhyana (Meditation): A tool to dissolve yourself & attain the ultimate sense of Oneness

Dhyana is the seventh limb of Ashtaang yoga propounded by Maharishi Patanjali thousands of years ago. Since in the earlier articles we already have looked upon deep into Yamas, Niyamas, Asnas & Pranayama. There can not be a better time than this to introduce you to a tool which has the ability to take you… Continue reading Dhyana (Meditation): A tool to dissolve yourself & attain the ultimate sense of Oneness