Happiness · Life

‘You don’t have enemies in life’

Your enemy is yourself in a different uniform. If you see the reality of life, you will experience everything as a part of yourself. If you have that experience, then there is no question of having an enemy because you experientially realize that the life which is throbbing within you is the same life which… Continue reading ‘You don’t have enemies in life’

Life · Poetry

‘The Blank Space’

The more I question my own existence, the more it leads me towards dead end, The more I wonder who am I, the more is the longing within to transcend!   I don’t even know what I am looking for, I don’t know which direction to choose, But there is something deep within me, which… Continue reading ‘The Blank Space’


‘That which bends doesn’t break’

That which bends doesn’t break. This is true almost in every aspect of our life be it physical or nonphysical. If you look back in your life and analyze, you will see that all those moments where you embraced the situations, they turned into sweet experiences. This is the nature of acceptance. All those moments where… Continue reading ‘That which bends doesn’t break’

Happiness · Life

Why do we connect with Babies instantaneously?

Every time I look at a little infant or a baby, my heart melts and this fills me with absolute joy. From social context, I could have no connection with the baby I am looking at. He is not my family member or a nephew or a niece or any other label which we usually… Continue reading Why do we connect with Babies instantaneously?

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Technology, Human Consciousness & Well being’

What a magical life we people are living in today’s time, all thanks to the technological advancements which are happening every moment and every day. All those things which we take for granted today didn’t even exist in our dreams 3 to 4 decades ago. You may take an example of any little or big… Continue reading ‘Technology, Human Consciousness & Well being’

health · Life

Why people are seeking Chemical Solutions?

In today’s world which is full of challenges, to keep yourself at your best is not an easy thing. You really gotta have the courage to stand up and speak for yourself where ever needed. In such a situation where you are constantly on your toes; destructive emotions like stress, anger, anxiety, depression, distrust, hatred,… Continue reading Why people are seeking Chemical Solutions?

health · Life · Spirituality · yoga · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Yoga and Exercise: Balancing your life at different levels’

As we all know that ‘In a healthy body lives a healthy mind, emotions & energy’. And to keep yourself healthy & pleasant, yoga & exercise plays a vital role. These two are closely interrelated to each other. Till now we have looked at the various aspects of Yoga and Its impact on our lives.… Continue reading ‘Yoga and Exercise: Balancing your life at different levels’

meditation · Spirituality · yoga · Yoga & Spirituality

YOGA: The union of ‘I’ with the ultimate possibility’

This article is simply about understanding the true meaning of yoga & Also understanding the true nature of human being. The emphasis is on the fact that we all human beings are interconnected with the cosmic activity. So the microcosm & the macrocosm is a one single unified activity of the whole universe. Aadi yogi, ie.e The first yogi ‘Shiva’said it almost 15000 years ago & today the scientists have also started saying the same.