
‘The Fundamental You’

In the previous article, we have clearly seen and understood that ‘We are not the roles we play’ (To explore more you may Click Here). Then the next obvious question comes, Who am I?. As I suggested earlier that if we really analyze this question, eventually we will find the answer. Using meditation as a… Continue reading ‘The Fundamental You’


‘The Phenomena of Life’

Life is like the fragrance of a flower in a gentle spring breeze, Always flowing in the direction of progressive expansion of Happiness and Joy. It is the human mind which makes simple things complex. If only we could stop identifying with our thought process, the phenomena of life will open up the doorway which… Continue reading ‘The Phenomena of Life’

Life · Musing · Poetry

The Burning Ocean

Those moments were really Strange……..The Ocean of thoughts was burning inside…….The impulse within was surfing the waves of dilemma……………I was wondering what this life is about……..I tried hard to crack the Riddle…….But failed………Then suddenly, when I almost gave up……..A revelation emerged from within………..I just sat silent and experienced the subtlety of what was happening……..It seemed… Continue reading The Burning Ocean

Life · Spirituality · yoga · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Peaceful Mind’: Panacea to all Problems

Have you ever noticed, when you are peaceful and equanimous within yourself, Just about every simple act in your life turns beautiful and When you are angry or stressful, Most wonderful things mean nothing to you? I believe every one of you at some point in time in your life must have experienced it. The… Continue reading ‘Peaceful Mind’: Panacea to all Problems

Life · Musing · Poetry

Musings Part II : Bloom | The Generous Tree

Bloom: It seemed there was no hope…….the seed within was going to stagnate…….And never sprout to see the light……..Suddenly a voice echoed from the heart…….Do not let the seed to die…….For this seed contains a great possibility……….Mind lost the battle & Heart reclaimed its throne…..and it was like the seed reborn…….leading to a full-blown life…….One… Continue reading Musings Part II : Bloom | The Generous Tree


‘That Old Man’

“I wonder, How to describe that old Man…….Tanned body, Bushy hair……Long beard & Torn clothes………He sometimes used to seem, to be talking to himself (mostly silent)…………But never with anybody else……..People thought he is mad………He used to sleep at the local bus stop during the nights……..Right from my childhood, he used to visit our home once… Continue reading ‘That Old Man’