Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Act & The Actor’

I am sure each one of you must have had an opportunity to go to a cinema hall and watch a movie or If not a cinema hall, you must have definitely watched it on a television prime time or matinee show. In a typical cinema story, you will find the lead actor, a lead… Continue reading ‘Act & The Actor’

Happiness · Life

‘How to live a joyful life’

All through our life, we keep waiting for those moments where our life could be naturally blissful. But we just keep expecting without really paying attention to the mechanics of life. This is to a larger extent because of the social conditioning which veils the most obvious experience of happiness to us. Something for which… Continue reading ‘How to live a joyful life’

Happiness · Life · Yoga & Spirituality


I am sure you might have read the word transcendence somewhere or at least heard somebody talking about it. The moment people hear about it, they go into some sort of imagination because for them this is just a fanciful word with no existential meaning. However, if you look carefully, there is no person in… Continue reading ‘Transcendence’


‘Love is like a Flower’

Love is the sweetest way to be for a human being. When the emotions become pleasant within ourself, we call it as love. When love happens, it transports a human being to a different dimension of experience where there is minimum friction and maximum intensity. Which means that we switch from basic transactional mode to… Continue reading ‘Love is like a Flower’

Life · Spirituality · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Experiencing Life: The Fundamental Way’

Being from a hill station in the northern part of India, I spent most of my childhood high up in the mountains. The trees, the valleys, the wildlife, the snow in winters, all these were very much a part of my life. There used to be a small lake high up in the mountains which… Continue reading ‘Experiencing Life: The Fundamental Way’

Life · Spirituality

‘Buddha: The story of Enlightenment’

The Beginning:  Siddhartha Gautama was born in a Royal family and his father was a king. When Gautama was born, his father invited a great sage of that time to their palace to seek his blessings for a great future and prosperity. The Sage was provided best possible hospitality by the king. It was a… Continue reading ‘Buddha: The story of Enlightenment’

Life · Poetry

‘One day the life within will leave…….’

One day the life within, will leave this mortal coil (The Body)……….And will merge once again into its original source (The Universe)……………I wonder how precious this life force is…….Coz this makes us experience all the possibilities of life…………..We are not even a tiny spec compared to the cosmos…………..However, the life within, makes us feel our… Continue reading ‘One day the life within will leave…….’