Happiness · Life

Acceptance: The stepping stone towards wellbeing

Whether we experience life to its fullest or we suffer life; It is all a question of acceptance. The more we accept the situations in which we exist, the more we progress towards our own wellbeing. The more we resist the more we suffer the very process of life. You may take any example from… Continue reading Acceptance: The stepping stone towards wellbeing


‘That which bends doesn’t break’

That which bends doesn’t break. This is true almost in every aspect of our life be it physical or nonphysical. If you look back in your life and analyze, you will see that all those moments where you embraced the situations, they turned into sweet experiences. This is the nature of acceptance. All those moments where… Continue reading ‘That which bends doesn’t break’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

Dissolution of your ‘Karmic Substance (Memory)’: Is it possible? Let’s find out!

Dear Reader, Tomorrow i.e on June 21st, 2016 the world is going to celebrate the second ‘International Day of Yoga’. I want you to understand the importance of this day. Yogic science has survived for the last thousands of years and is still on, without being enforced by any particular community, law, religion or vested… Continue reading Dissolution of your ‘Karmic Substance (Memory)’: Is it possible? Let’s find out!