Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Do not underestimate your thoughts’

What kind of thought we generate through mental action decides what kind of consequence we will face because of that particular thought. Which means it is very important that our mental thought process is happening consciously. But for most of the human beings on this planet, that’s not the case. Thoughts just keep on flowing… Continue reading ‘Do not underestimate your thoughts’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Stop identifying with your thoughts if you want to get rid of them’

In today’s time, Human beings are the most self-suffering creatures on this planet. There is no other life form who is so much capable of suffering like the human beings are. The greatest irony is, we humans are suffering because of our own actions. We have almost wiped out half the species from the planet… Continue reading ‘Stop identifying with your thoughts if you want to get rid of them’

Happiness · Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Human Being Vs. Human Doing’

When we call a Human as a Human Being, there is an underlying assumption that the life form which we refer to as a Human should know how to be. Unfortunately, that is the only thing which is nonexistent in today’s time. The entire humanity knows how to do so many things, but they do… Continue reading ‘Human Being Vs. Human Doing’

Happiness · Life

Acceptance: The stepping stone towards wellbeing

Whether we experience life to its fullest or we suffer life; It is all a question of acceptance. The more we accept the situations in which we exist, the more we progress towards our own wellbeing. The more we resist the more we suffer the very process of life. You may take any example from… Continue reading Acceptance: The stepping stone towards wellbeing

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Act & The Actor’

I am sure each one of you must have had an opportunity to go to a cinema hall and watch a movie or If not a cinema hall, you must have definitely watched it on a television prime time or matinee show. In a typical cinema story, you will find the lead actor, a lead… Continue reading ‘Act & The Actor’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Drop temporary identities to experience Life’

When you were born, you came as an open limitless possibility in this cosmos. A child doesn’t have any conditioning of its own, but slowly over a period of time as the child grows up, he starts imbibing the qualities which surround him. Or in other words, a child starts to get identified with almost… Continue reading ‘Drop temporary identities to experience Life’

Life · Spirituality · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Consciousness is absolute & can’t be Objectified’

Usually, when people talk about consciousness, they refer to the state of wakefulness which is not the truth. This is because people’s idea of consciousness is limited to the waking state of who they are. This is also because people never really questioned what consciousness is. They are too involved with their worldly drama that… Continue reading ‘Consciousness is absolute & can’t be Objectified’

Life · Yoga & Spirituality

‘Death is nature’s compassion’

Death is in a way nature’s biggest gift to any form of life in this universe. It is only because there is death, there is a value of what we are calling as Life. Anything which is physical in the universe is bound to die one day starting from a little pebble to the Mount… Continue reading ‘Death is nature’s compassion’